That means if Facebook decides to not publish it, they don't have to.
(I have just found out that this site won't let me press tab)
This might not seem like a big deal, but if the government of Australia decides to kill off all the kangaroos and someone starts a facebook group against it, Australia can pay Facebook to take the group down.
Another reason is privacy. I started a mock Facebook account to play a game on it with some online friends. Now it keeps trying to make me friends with his brother, who I have had no communications with ever. By friending people from two different groups that you're in, you're letting Facebook know that you like hockey, but also basketball, chess and everything else you put on it.
People have been fired from their real jobs for stuff that they've put on Facebook.
Gay people have been forced out of the closet because they have gay friends on facebook.
Besides from the computer, I guess I am pretty unconnected. I have a T.V. but no cable. I don't read the newspaper much. My news is all secondhand.
Then again, I don't really care that much about headlines. A hundered thousand or so people died in the earthquake at Haiti. Millions die evey year from AIDS but thats not headline news.